Thursday Updates! (CPT #230, Pin and Furniture Catalog)

Oh fish sticks! Late again! My apologies. We had a thunderstorm so I had to unplug my computer. I couldn’t even finish my homework >_<* Oh well, the storm’s over now, so I can post.

Here’s the latest issue of the Club Penguin Times! 😀

Oh no! The puffles are trapped underground behind the sealed up rock wall! Is this the doing of a certain white polar bear?! Maybe. Anyways, there will be a new game on Monday so you can help save the missing puffles!

Whoot! The Penguin Play Awards are making a comeback this year! I wonder if we’ll be able to meet some famous penguins! 😉

Check out the events! Rockhopper’s leaving Sunday, be sure and say Good bye! 🙂

The new pin is in the Dance Lounge and it’s tiny and cute! Umm.. You didn’t hear anything O_O It’s funny though how there are stil three pins on the island. The feather pin, this new pin and the previous pin.

I guess Club Penguin forgot to take the wagon pin down?

With a new furniture catalog, there come new secrets to be discovered! It’s theme seems to be St. Patrick’s Day! Cool!

Click on the stump seat for the Clover Balloon! 😀 Pretty clover

A small rock for the Clover Garland…

Mailbox opening for the Blue Lamp….

The seat of the stone couch for the Portal Box…

and the HD TV can be found by the lamp!

There’s a new lucky igloo in the Igloo Upgrades catalog! I’m sure you’ll have lots of time to find a four leaf clover! 😛

Hey! Gotta go now! I’ve got school tomorrow and high school is exhausting. OoO See you all the next time something happens!

Until next time,

Waddle on and discover new adventures!


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